Vintage Rose Designs
Etsy Cottage Style

I am participating in Show off Monday & Rococo Fan Swap ! This is one of the Fans I made. This one won"t make it to my partner! My problem is I am never sure of my work or if this would be my partners style...lol
I really need to get a little lot more confidence in my work. I really did 3 fans and finally sent the last one I made.
So, I guess why I am posting about this, is get feed back as to how I get over the fear of giving my own work (and selling)! Any hints or suggestions? Give it to me!! Do tell!
This the first fan I made out of full fabric with cardboard down the middle to add
some stiffness to it.
Here is the actual fan I sent off to my swap partner! ( I hope Terri doesn't see this yet...lol)
The background on the fan is from Vintage fabric, I scanned and copied. Then on the back I spray painted over the top of a dollie to give a lace look,